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Pandemic response drove increase in government assistance in Michigan

One-third of the state is on government assistance. COVID-19 response was the dividing line

… welfare checks, health care and Medicaid, one in three Michigan residents … categories went up. The number of Medicaid recipients in Michigan grew 21% since … have to verify the eligibility of Medicaid recipients. That has changed. The … people were purged from Michigan’s Medicaid rolls just since the start of 2024.  … more

One-third of Michigan residents receive government assistance

Number has grown 30% since Whitmer took office

… 2023 is 30% higher than the roughly 2.6 million served in 2019, when Whitmer took office. State welfare assistance programs include the following: Medicaid, food stamps, State Emergency Relief, the Family Independence Program, State Disability Assistance and Child Development and Care. The Michigan … more

Local governments in Michigan can’t keep extra cash from tax foreclosures, but state has other ways to claim money

An auction netted the county $260k, says an heir whose aunt’s property was taken by officials, but Medicaid administrators may take it all anyway

… Services asserted a claim of its own. The department said that under the policy of estate recovery, it was due the surplus as repayment for funds its Medicaid program had spent on Bouford-Hiar’s behalf. The circuit court agreed with the state, and in August 2021, put a pause on Litzner’s suit against the … more

Federal drug pricing program drives up drug prices

A bill in Michigan may make transparency harder in the 340B program

… 11.75% of its patients are in Medicaid. In the past decade, many … limits of those eligible for Medicaid, exploding the total number … improved, lawmakers expanded Medicaid, adding more than 800,000 … government health care rolls. Medicaid is now 27% of the Michigan … people became eligible for Medicaid, more hospitals and clinics … more

SEIU Healthcare Michigan is under trusteeship once again

Its second trusteeship in five years owes to ‘substantiated allegations of serious malpractice’

… the early 2000s, SEIU locals across the country, including its Michigan affiliate, took millions of dollars from people who were getting paid by Medicaid to care for their disabled family members in their own home. The union did this by enrolling these caregivers as members, usually without their consent, … more

The New Republic Says Unions Are Making a Comeback

But the ancient magazine of political insiders gives no evidence, and Michigan numbers indicate the opposite

… Employees International Union went from 47,805 to 16,486, a 65.5% decrease. The union was sued after it illegally diverted more than $6 million in Medicaid funds to itself, taking money meant for disabled individuals who had hired others, often their family members, to help them at home. Critics called … more

Hospitals Collect More Fed Drug Purchase Subsidies, Intended Beneficiaries Don’t Get More Care

Studies’ evidence suggest federal program is mostly padding hospitals’ bottom lines

… applies to drug makers that want to serve the markets funded by Medicare and Medicaid. Under it, the companies must sell certain drugs at a discount to hospitals … who lacked insurance coverage. The study noted also that enlarging the Medicaid program under the Affordable Care Act increased public spending costs. … more

Hospital Chain: ‘Patently False’ That Staffing Shortage Due To Its Vaccine Mandate

Henry Ford says just 1% of its workforce left; in January feds sent in Disaster Medical Assistant Team

… Nov. 4 the federal government would require COVID-19 vaccinations by Jan. 4 for all U.S. health care workers whose employers receive Medicare and Medicaid reimbursements. On Jan. 13, the U.S. Supreme Court let stand a federal vaccine mandate imposed on 17 million health care workers nationwide. more

Four Hospitals That Take Federal Money To Help Low-Income Patients Do Less To Help Than Those That Don't

… participating hospitals are more profitable than non-participating hospitals. The 340B government program is designed to assist patients not eligible for Medicaid or Medicare but still are low income and help pay for prescription medications. Hospitals call this charity care which means they do not expect to … more

Auditors Find State Overpaid Medicaid Home Health Vendors $39.4 Million

Could be worse: A previous audit found a $160 million loss

… Michigan has delivered millions of dollars in overpayments to vendors under a Medicaid program meant to help needy people with daily activities such as bathing, … the first time the Office of the Auditor General found issues with the Medicaid Home Help Program. In an audit covering October 2010 through August 2013, … more